Taylor & Francis Open Access Books

About Open Access Books

Open access makes published academic research freely and permanently available online. Anyone, anywhere can read and build upon this research.

At Taylor & Francis we’ve been publishing open access journals since 2006, and in 2013 we complemented it with our Open Access Book Programme. We publish books and chapters across all subjects covered by Routledge, CRC Press and our other leading imprints in the humanities, social sciences, STEM and behavioural sciences.

Our Open Access Books programme allows authors and their funders to publish open access (OA) single- or co-authored books, edited collections and individual chapters. Upon publication, open access titles and chapters are made available in digital format to read, download, and share freely under a Creative Commons license.

Visibility and Reach

Open access content is far more likely to be downloaded and cited. Research has found that open access book chapters are downloaded 7 times more than non-OA titles, were cited 50% more and mentioned online 10 times more.  All our Open Textbook content is hosted on our Taylor & Francis eBooks platform as well as sent to dedicated Open Access book platforms such as OAPEN and DOAB to ensure the widest possible reach.  We have over 2,800 pieces of open access book content listed on OAPEN since Taylor & Francis joined in 2017.  OAPEN usage data shows that Taylor & Francis open access books were accessed around the globe.

Our open access content also benefits from the full support and global reach of Taylor & Francis marketing and sales departments to libraries, institutions, and distributors.

Dedicated eBooks Platform

Taylor & Francis eBooks is a single destination platform which hosts a range of award-winning digital resources and a fully comprehensive eBooks platform, covering all major subject areas and sub-disciplines with a vast collection of eBooks in science, technology, engineering medicine, humanities and social science. 

Our OA book content has been accessed over 2 million times, and readers from over 4,000 institutions and over 100 countries are accessing our Open Access book content via taylorfrancis.com.

Our Taylor & Francis eBooks platform includes features to help you explore our open access eBooks titles and find the content most relevant to you. We have enhanced our search features to support easy website navigation, and expanded our offering to include full and partial open access titles, as well as not yet published content.

To find out more please visit our Librarian Resources pages.


Part of the Open Access Community

Taylor & Francis is a member of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association ( OASPA ) , a Gold Sponsor of Open Access Publishing in European Networks ( OAPEN ) and publisher member of the Directory of Open Access Books ( DOAB ). Our open access book content is discoverable via key search engines and eBooks retailers such as Google Books, Amazon and through the Taylor & Francis eBooks platformAll of our content is also deposited in the OAPEN  online library, and full OA books on the Open Research Library (ORL).

Our Open Access books are also indexed on the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB), and also archived through Portico to ensure their long-term preservation.

All organizations uphold the highest standards of open access publishing.

Member of OASPA